Michael Andryc
Contemporary FOLK ART POP

Michael Andryc
Mailing Address
Michael Andryc Art
P.O. Box 67073
Albuquerque, NM 87193-7073
Date of Birth
December 28, 1948
Exhibition History
Current and Recent Exhibitions
Solo Retrospective
International Juried Exhibit
National Juried Exhibitions
2015 - 2022
New Mexico
Statewide Juried Exhibitions
2017 - 2023
Solo Exhibitions
(2008 – 2018)
Local Juried Exhibitions,
Los Alamos, NM
2013 - 2020
Local Juried Exhibitions, Albuquerque, NM
2017 - 2023
Local Member Exhibitions,
Jemez Springs, NM
Gallery Exhibitions,
Santa Fe, NM
1987 - 2013
Outdoor Artists' Shows,
Santa Fe, NM
1985 - 2012
Education, Publications, Awards
"PROTEST 2024!" October 4 - December 29, 2024. FUSION | GALLERY 708, 708 1st Street, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Curated by MartinArt Studios and part of the RISING HIGH ARTS FESTIVAL. Selected works: "Just Say Nyet!" "Grandma's Opinion of the Information Superhighway," and "The Almighty Dollar."
"NAKED: A Figurative Art Show" October 4 - November 1, 2024. The GROOVE Artspace, 309 Gold Ave. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Curated by Erika Harding, Owner, Director, Educator, Artist. Selected works: "Woman on the Cross," "Paul Gauguin and Bob Marley on the Mysterious Island of the GIANT NUDE," and "Releasing the Inner Mermaid."
2024 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM, September 4 - 15, 2024. Selected works: "Channelling the Wolfman," "The Kiss of the Wolfman," and "Wolfwoman on Couch with Approaching Rainbow." https://statefair.exponm.com/
"Food, Glorious Food!" August 21 - September 21, 2024. Village Arts Frame Shop and Gallery, 216 DP Road, Los Alamos, NM. Ken Nebel, Owner/Curator. Selected works: "The Humble Repast," "The Ramen Eaters," and "Dinner with Andy at the Nighthawk Cafe." https://villageartsframing.com
"Wild Things" March 5 - March 31, 2024. Village Arts Frame Shop and Gallery, 216 DP Road, Los Alamos, NM. Ken Nebel, Owner/Curator. Selected work: "Joyriding with the Son of the Frog." https://villageartsframing.com
"What's Love Got To Do With It?" February 10 - March 5, 2024. GALLERY 3017, Lower level of ARTISAN ABQ, 3017 Monte Vista Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. Curated by Angie Rehnbergart. Selected work: "Serenaded by the Son of the Frog."
June 7 - July 5 -2023 - "The Hour of the Wolf(Man), A Retrospective by Michael Andryc," Curated by Diane Stoffel, The Step Up Gallery at Mesa Public Library, Los Alamos Arts Council, Los Alamos, NM.
For Artist's Talk, highlights of 60+ piece exhibition, and recent media in the Santa Fe New Mexican/Pasatiempo (July 21, 2023) and the Los Alamos Daily Post, please visit: www.michaelandryc.com/ and/or www.stepupgallery.org
International Juried Exhibit
2017 - "IN TRANSIT,” (International Juried Exhibition, Juried by Abigail Newbold, Director of Exhibitions, The Institute of Contemporary Art Boston), Art League of Rhode Island, VETS Gallery, Providence, RI. Selected work: "Lady Godiva in Coventry, Rhode Island."
National Juried Exhibitions
2022 - "Transcending the West," (National Juried Exhibition Juried by Rose Frederick),
ARTWORKS Center for Contemporary Arts, Loveland, CO.
Selected work: "A New Home in the Ancestral Land."
2021 - "31st Annual Arts Thrive!” (National Juried Exhibition), Albuquerque Museum Foundation, The Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, NM.
Selected works: "Skinhead Madonna #2," "Madonna with Black Star," and "Skinhead Madonna Looking the Other Way."
2020 - "30th Annual Arts Thrive!” (National Juried Exhibition), Albuquerque Museum Foundation, The Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, NM.
Selected works: "The Ghost of My Grandmother Coming to the Museum to See My Exhibit," "The Absinthe Drinker (After Viktor Oliva)," "Angel Babka Silencing the Scream (After Edvard Munch)."
2020 - "DOUGH” (National Exhibition Juried by Museum of Food and Drink, NYC),
The HERA Gallery and Educational Foundation, Wakefield, RI.
Selected works: "Modigliani Painting a Picture of My Grandmother with a Plate of Pierogies" and "FDR on a Tortilla/The Holy Wafer of Social Security."
2019 - "The 31st Old San Ysidro Church Fine Arts Show (National Juried Exhibition)," The Corrales Historical Society (CHS) and the Corrales Society of Artists (CSA), Corrales, NM.
Selected Works: "The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night" and "Modigliani Painting a Picture of My Grandmother with a Plate of Pierogies."
2018 - "The 30th Old San Ysidro Church Fine Arts Show," (National Juried Exhibition), The Corrales Historical Society (CHS) and the Corrales Society of Artists (CSA), Corrales, NM. Selected Work: "My Grandmother Trying to Convince the Dutch Masters that Smoking is Bad for their Health (After Rembrandt)."
2017 - "AFTER DARK VI, National Juried Exhibition," Juried by Matt Kennedy, Director, La Luz de Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles | Greg Moon Art, Taos, NM. Selected work: "Grandma's Opinion of the Information Superhighway."
2016 - (Spring, Fall) Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festivals, National Juried Exhibitions, EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM and Sandia Casino and Resort during the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, Sandia Pueblo, NM.
2015 - (Spring, Fall, Winter) Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festivals, National Juried Exhibitions, EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM.
Statewide Juried Exhibitions
2024 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected works: "Channelling the Wolfman," "The Kiss of the Wolfman," and "Wolfwoman on Couch with Approaching Rainbow." https://statefair.exponm.com/
2023 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected works: “Wolfwomen Dancing in the Moonlight” and “Wolfmen Howling at the Moon.” https://statefair.exponm.com/
2022 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected works: "Painted by the Wolfman" (3rd Place in Acrylic Painting Division) and "Blonde and Son of the Frog at the Art Opening."
2021 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected works: "Wheel of (Mis)Fortune.”
2019 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected works: "Cruising with Clark (My Grandmother and Clark Gable)," "Serenaded by the Son of the Frog," and "On the Beach with the Son of the Frog."
2018 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected works: “The Absinthe Drinker (After Viktor Oliva)” and “Riding with Brando (My Grandmother and The Wild One).”
2017 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Artists' Exhibit), Fine Arts Building, EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM. Selected Works: "Grandma's Opinion of the Information Highway" and "The Abbey Road Expedition (My Grandmother Leading Others in Search of a Little Help from the Beatles. . . in These Hard Times)."
Solo Exhibitions (2008 – 2018)
2018 - “Haunted by Picasso thru the Streets of Warsaw” (Juried), PORTAL Gallery, Fuller Lodge Art Center, Los Alamos, NM.
2018 - “Sophisticated Primitive' REVISITED,” Jemez Fine Art, South Gallery, Jemez Springs, NM.
2017 - “Rejects from the Museum of Modern Art,” Jemez Fine Art, South Gallery, Jemez Springs, NM.
2016 - “The Call of the Wild and Further Communications from the Great Unknown,” Jemez Fine Art, South Gallery, Jemez Springs, NM.
2015 - “Free-Range Artwork and Various Magnificent Fables (Southwest of Warsaw),” Red Boot Gallery, Range Café Bernalillo, NM.
2014 - “Aspens, Ravens, Frida Kahlo, and Georgia O'Keeffe,” Liquid Outpost, The Inn at Loretto, Santa Fe, NM.
2008 - “Bob Marley and Paul Gauguin on the Mysterious Island of the Giant Nude,” Green Palace Teahouse, Santa Fe, NM.
2002 - “Last Exit Off the Van Gogh Highway,” Back Street Bistro, Santa Fe, NM.
2000 - “Southwest of Warsaw,” Carson & Steed Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
1997 - “Selling My Own Grandmother,” American Center for Polish Culture, Washington, DC.
1982 - “Pecos Primitive II,” Santa Fe Public Library, Santa Fe, NM.
1982 - “Pecos Primitive,” Little Earth School, Santa Fe, NM.
1980 - “Trailer Park Renaissance,” University Center Gallery, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT.
1980 - “Downstream from the White Man,” Southwest Coffeehouse, Durango CO.
1980 – “More Tales of the Bulletproof God,” Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Ignacio, CO.
Local Juried Exhibitions, Los Alamos, NM
2013 - 2020 More than 20 group exhibits with distinct juries and themes at Fuller Lodge Art Center, Los Alamos, NM, with fine art prints (giclees) juried into the FLAC Gift Shop. More recent FLAC juried group exhibits include:
2020 - "40 Winks," Selected work: "The Sleeping Artist - Naiad in the Bosque (After John William Waterhouse)."
2019 - "P.O.V.” Selected work: “Number 12: Capable of Doing Much Better.”
2019 - "Making Waves,” Invited works: “Paul Gauguin and Bob Marley on the Island of the Giant Nude” and “Sisters of the Sea.”
2019 - "Mapmaker,” Selected works: “Woman Removing Her Crown of Thorns (A Tribute to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford).”
2018 - “Vessel,” Selected work: “Dinner with Andy at the Nighthawk Café (After Edward Hopper).”
2017 - “Fluid Dynamics” Selected work: “Drifting Past the Isle of the Sirens.”
2016 - “I Am Become Death/ Commemorating Oppenheimer and the Advent of the Bomb.” Selected works: “Just Say Nyet!” “God Bless America,” “Pledge Allegiance to the B-52” and “They Are Not Like Us/Their Gods Are Not Our Gods.”
Local Juried Exhibitions, Albuquerque, NM
2023 - "ENIGMA," Ghostwolf Gallery, Old Town Plaza, Albuquerque, NM. Selected work: "Wolfmen Howling at the Moon." https://ghostwolf.gallery
2023 - "The Art of Healing, (Group Exhibition and Benefit),"
Gallery with a Cause, curated by Regina Held, New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation, NM Cancer Center, Albuquerque, NM.
Selected works included 18 matted and framed archival giclées and original "Blonde and Frog at the Art Opening." www.gallerywithacause.org
2018 - "REPRESENT! Celebrating the Mid-Term Elections," Ghostwolf Gallery, Old Town Plaza, Albuquerque, NM. Selected Works: "Vampires on Wall Street" and "The Almighty Dollar." https://ghostwolf.gallery/
2017 - "WILD! Celebrating Wildlife and Diversity through Art," Ghostwolf Gallery, Old Town, Albuquerque, NM. Selected Works: "Wolfcharmer (After a 19th Century Lithograph), "Lone Wolf (After Alfred Kowalski)," and "Listening to the Call of the Wild." https://ghostwolf.gallery/
Local Member/Cooperative Exhibitions, Jemez Springs, NM
2019 - "REWIND: Jemez Fine Art Gallery 10-Year Anniversary Celebration, (Invitational)," Jemez Springs, NM.
2016 – 2019 Jemez Fine Art Gallery including more than 10 group and three solo exhibits in the South Gallery.
Gallery Exhibitions, 1987 - 2013
2010-2013 - Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
2006 - Jennie Cooley Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
2001 - Segretto Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
2001 - Plan B, Santa Fe, NM.
1997 - 1999, Muse Image Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
1997 - 1999, Alpha Group Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM.
1993 - Owings-Dewey Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
1992 - Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
1991 - Tartan Pony Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
1988 - Armory for the Arts, Santa Fe, NM.
1987 - The William Morris Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.
1987 - Plaza de Los Artistas, Santa Fe, NM.
Outdoor Artists' Shows, Santa Fe, NM, 1985 - 2012
Santa Fe Artists' Market at the Railyards
Santa Fe Society of Artists, Cathedral Park, and First National Bank Parking Lot
Painted original artwork, framed and prepared paintings, reproductions, and magnets for exhibits and sales displays, hauled booth equipment and artwork to shows, set up, worked with professional artists' organizations in accordance with exhibit guidelines, visited with art enthusiasts and tourists, presented and sold work, dismantled booths, managed accounting, paid taxes, enjoyed life . . . painted more original artwork, ad infinitum . . .
Education, Publications, Awards
Associates in Arts, English, Rhode Island Junior College, Providence, RI, 1970.
Literary grant from the Mary Roberts Rinehart Foundation, New York City, 1979.
Third Place in Acrylic Painting for "Painted by the Wolfman," 2022 New Mexico State Fair (Professional Fine Arts Division), EXPO NM, Albuquerque, NM.
Publications: "How I Found Studebaker" and "Waiting for the Universe to Blow Over" published in the North American Review, Cedar Falls, IA, SP 1978 and SP 1979.
Publication: MOSAIC VOICES | An Anthology of Winning Stories and Poetry from the 2024 Writing Contest sponsored by SouthWest Writers. Third Place in Memoir, "X-Rated Trout Fishing," pp. 350 - 354. www.southwestwriters.com
References provided upon request
Michael Andryc's Mission
Core Values
Contributions to Public Art
To create, exhibit, and sell my work while making art a viable part of people's lives.
I am actively seeking representation in a vibrant, cutting-edge commercial gallery where my unique vision and voice will be embraced, promoted, and shared with astute collectors of artwork that steps outside the mainstream.
Expand my gifts and talents to the best of my ability.
Tell a good story.
Make others happy.
Share my experiences.
Earn a good living.
I have actively participated in the New Mexico art scene my entire adult life – from select gallery and museum shows to non-profit venues, large in-door events, outdoor venues, and private gatherings. My contribution to public arts has primarily been as a "fixture" or mainstay in the weekly Santa Fe outdoor show arena from 1985 - 2012 before I relocated to Albuquerque, NM. Since that time, I have been honored to have six NM State Fair appearances, two exhibits with the Albuquerque Museum Foundation's ArtsThrive, three exhibits to benefit the Corrales Old San Ysidro Church, and more than 20 exhibits (with distinct juries) at Fuller Lodge Art Center in Los Alamos, NM. In addition, I have had several works selected for international and national juried exhibits.
Mailing Address
Michael Andryc Art
P.O. Box 67073
Albuquerque, NM 87193-7073