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Welcome to the Galleries

Michael Andryc's personal Wolfman has been exploring the world for 50 years. See what he has to say. . .

I. Wolf Mythology
A visitor to a Santa Fe outdoor exhibit in 1988 inspired the first "Blonde and Frog in VW in the Great American Southwest". . .

II. Frog Saga

Discover how the rich, the famous, and artists of yore have influenced Michael Andryc's art. . . 

III. Pop Tributes
More than narcissism, the genre of self-portraiture explores the existential in us all. . . 

IV. Self-Portraiture
In a world of information, misinformation, and theories galore, Michael Andryc offers his own interpretations. . . 

V. Social Commentary
Whether real or imagined, friends, family, and his Polish heritage play important roles in shaping Michael Andryc's art . . .

VI. Legacy Lore

Mailing Address

Michael Andryc Art

P.O. Box 67073

Albuquerque, NM 87193-7073


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